Lower back complaints
If you read this article you may have complaints in your lower back . Thank you for finding us!
It may be meager comfort, but you are not the only one with complaints in the low back right now. 60% -90% of the Dutch population is affected by this in his or her life. Low back pain is therefore one of the most common complaints that we see at de Fysiovrienden. We, therefore, dare to call ourselves a specialist in this area. In addition to back pain, you may also experience complaints in your buttock or leg . In addition, you may be limited in your sport, work, or daily activities such as sitting, lying down, standing or stooping.
Back complaints can arise in various ways; Acute low back pain can occur, for example, while working in the garden or at an unexpected moment while stooping. Fortunately, we see that in 60% -90% of people with acute complaints, the pain and disability diminishes within 4-6 weeks. Chronic back pain lasts longer and has a more dormant character. If complaints last longer, there are often several causes for this. Together we will find out what these are and we will ensure that you get your complaint back under control as quickly as possible!
Would you like more information about the recovery of your back complaint ?
Customised Revalidation
With the right guidance and information we can go a long way together. As a team we make a tailor-made process in which we ensure that you reach your goals as quickly as possible.