Health insurance

Supplementary Insurance

We have contracts with all health insurers. Regular treatments, including physiotherapy and manual therapy, are reimbursed through your supplementary insurance. Please check your policy to see how many sessions are covered to avoid surprises.

If you’ve already received treatment elsewhere, let us know during the intake so we can account for this. An E-health consultation is also reimbursed by your insurer and counts as a regular physiotherapy session.

Intake and Initial Treatment

For your first appointment, we schedule more time (40-50 minutes) to conduct both the intake and the initial treatment. This counts as two sessions from your supplementary insurance. This way, we ensure you get off to a good start right away!

Reimbursement for Physiotherapy with Chronic Conditions

For chronic conditions, physiotherapy is reimbursed from the 21st session onwards through the basic insurance, provided you have a referral from a doctor. The first 20 sessions must be paid out-of-pocket or through your supplementary insurance.

See the official list of chronic conditions here.

🔹 First 20 sessions: Paid by you or covered by your supplementary insurance.
🔹 From the 21st session: Covered by basic insurance.
🔹 Deductible: Sessions covered by basic insurance count toward your annual deductible.

Reimbursement for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis

For osteoarthritis in the hip or knee, the basic insurance covers a maximum of 12 sessions per year. Any additional treatments require a supplementary insurance plan.

🔹 Basic insurance: Covers up to 12 sessions for hip or knee osteoarthritis.
🔹 Supplementary insurance: Required for additional sessions.
🔹 Deductible: Applies to the first 12 sessions, except for Salland Zorgverzekeringen, which does not apply the deductible to these sessions.

For osteoarthritis in joints other than the hip or knee, reimbursement is only possible through supplementary insurance.

Private Invoice

If you do not have supplementary insurance for physiotherapy, the following rates apply. Private invoices are handled by Infomedics. You will receive the invoice at the end of the month via email. The digital invoice can be viewed and paid directly from this email.

If your personal details have changed, please inform us as soon as possible. If you have not received the invoice, it will be sent by post with a new payment term of 30 days.

Missed Appointments

Appointments canceled within 24 hours will be fully charged. You can cancel your appointment easily via WhatsApp, email, or phone.

Initial consultation and treatment session (physiotherapy) – 40-50 minutes €110,00
Initial consultation and treatment session (manual therapy) – 40-50 minutes €120,00
Physiotherapy session €50,00
Physiotherapy session €60,00
Manual therapy session €60,00
Manual therapy session (at home) €67,00
Diagnostic consultation (physiotherapy) €67,00
Screening and intake/examination after screening €60,00
Extensive report €90,00
Missed appointment €50,00
E-health consultation €50,00



Customised Revalidation

With the right guidance and information we can go a long way together. As a team we make a tailor-made process in which we ensure that you reach your goals as quickly as possible.

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