
Marjolein is Cesar exercise therapist and works at various locations in Eindhoven. This brings her into contact with a variety of complaints such as headache, neck, shoulder, pelvic and / or back complaints. But that is not everything. You can also turn to her for hyperventilation and osteoarthritis. Her strength is to empower people. Doesn’t that sound powerful? Marjolein has completed the Masters in Care Management, so she knows only too well what is needed for a strong collaboration. The concept of the Physio friends fits them perfectly with this.

Deze blogpost is geschreven door Stijn Willems

Stijn is mede-eigenaar van de Fysiovrienden. Hij schrijft graag over zijn vak en gaat het liefst op de inhoud in. Zijn blogs zijn soms een tikkeltje tegendraads en geven stof tot nadenken.

Customised Revalidation

With the right guidance and information we can go a long way together. As a team we make a tailor-made process in which we ensure that you reach your goals as quickly as possible.

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